Browsing Category


5 things you should never search on Google

SRINAGAR: Protecting your privacy online can be difficult. If you use Google, Bing, Yahoo, or any other search engine that records your IP address and search terms, there are some things — many things, it turns out — that you really…

Facebook continues to suppress sane voices in Kashmir

SRINAGAR, APR 23 (PTK): The social media giant Facebook continuing with its tradition to censor user accounts in Kashmir permanently disabled dozens of accounts of several users including journalists, social activists, rights activists,…

Engrossed in PUBG, MP youth drinks acid instead of water

SRINAGAR, (PTK): Engrossed in playing an online game, a young man from Chhindwara drank acid mistaking it for water and is lucky to have survived. However, doctors said, the man continued to stay glued to his phone even during his recovery.…