Crafting Narratives: The Art and Essence of a True Editor



By Zia Darakshan

Srinagar,12 July: A poet has the art of  evoking and expressing  our most profound and  deep seated emotions, whether they dwell in the form of pristine childhood memories or lie dormant like repressed desires though mesmerizing quality of poetic language and imagery.

Poetry has the cathartic ability to breathe new life into these chords,similar to the stimulating tinge of dewy morning. However,  whether these cravings come into being the eloquent words of poetry possess the power to electrify and eternalize these unfulfilled wishes within us.

The way a poet is to poetry, sculpting and enhancing its essence,an editor is to a newspaper, molding and refining its content.

An editor crafts the soul of a newspaper,shaping and framing its content with precision and care. An editor serves as the backbone of a publication,who runs the entire show behind the scenes .

An editor’s role in a newspaper reflects not only the temperament of the publication but also the pulse of its readers.

An editor selects and refines news stories, aiming to jibe emotionally with the readers through heartwarming features or intriguing news articles.

From content selection to shaping the content  the unsung hero graciously satisfies the informational needs of readers, addressing the audience curiosity and intellect .

While poetry possesses a timeless quality that entices readers to revisit it repeatedly, a newspaper, with its limited shelf life, relies on the editor’s ability to create impactful content that harmoniously tunes with readers’ taste during its brief existence.  Nevertheless, it’s safe to say that a well-curated newspaper with enduring stories will not fade into oblivion; instead, it will secure a permanent place in the archives of personal libraries for discerning readers.

Just as poetry provides insights into the inclinations and temperament of its readers, an editor’s choices in a newspaper reveal the publication’s understanding of its audience. The content selection, editorial tone, and even the layout are reflections of the editor’s awareness of reader preferences.

Poetry keeps alive the cultural traditions,history and emotional heritage (of a society) to pass down stories,myths legends from generations to generations, a newspaper, especially with insightful write-ups and impactful journalism, contributes to the preservation of contemporary history. Both poetry and journalism become integral parts of a society’s intellectual and cultural legacy.

In essence, poetry possesses the authority to both create and dismantle at its discretion. What society deems ugly can be transformed into a thing of beauty, and conversely, what is conventionally beautiful may take on an ugly hue. The poet assumes the roles of both a meticulous tailor and a visionary designer, with imagination and creativity that tricks the  audience through the intricate medley of words.

On the flip side, an editor mirrors the craftsmanship of a tailor, discerning precisely where to cut and where to stitch in the fabric of content. Functioning not only as a tailor but also as a designer, the editor possesses the capacity to fashion a captivating design from a mundane material or, on the contrary, turn a well-crafted piece into mediocrity. However, the distinction lies in the creative process: while a poet delves into the depths of inner inspiration, an editor relies solely on their skill set. The editor’s prowess and competence are manifest in the final product, a reflection of their ability to shape and refine content.

Identifying a true Editor:

An editor who possesses expertise in various subjects and a strong command over the language.

-Exhibits an eye for meticulous detail,shows genuine interest in your (writers) success, supporting both technical and personal writing goals.

-Acknowledges and respects your passion and connection to work.

-Provides constructive feedback to enhance and impact your writing .

-Values honesty in providing feedback thereby furthering collaboration.

-Functions without inflated ego and always open for improving the piece ,finding ways to give right angle to a story instead of killing the story without any thought.

-Embraces supportive role and works behind the scene without seeking undue recognition.

To sum up an editor serves and most importantly should have a right attitude in fortifying the publications position in the media market as a reliable outlet.

Unfortunately the terrain  of journalism in Jammu and Kashmir has been fading from what it used to be. Truly called the  golden era of Journalism is now been going to its lowest ebb.

The esteemed position of an editor, once considered a coveted role, has regrettably devolved into a realm dominated by copy-paste journalism. The current scenario is in complete contrast  with a time when dedicated journalists and experienced editors collaborated tirelessly to produce unique and enriched content, reflecting both editorial taste and societal temperament.

Presently, exceptions notwithstanding, a multitude of graduates emerge from journalism programs, technically trained but lacking the expertise, skills, and most importantly, the right attitude to excel in the field.

It is a source of genuine disappointment when we encounter such editors who fall short in professionalism  or lack an understanding of stories . Their actions, influenced by  sycophancy, lack of motivation and enthusiasm, makes them liabilities rather than assets to the organization. This approach curtails the flourishing of genuine talent, as editors tend to maintain close ties only with those reporters and writers who echo their sentiments. The resulting insecurity and immature behavior contribute to the loss of the organization’s best talents in the long run.

An editor’s role, akin to that of a craftsman, demands the ability to create something meaningful out of nothing. Unfortunately, a breed of editors has emerged who seemingly create nothing out of something, popping up as content killers who harness the potential of otherwise compelling stories due to their lack of knowledge, capability, and a negative temperament.

“According to Maulana Hali in one of his articles on journalism, he emphasizes the importance of competence in an editor for the growth of a newspaper. He believes that only a competent editor can elevate a newspaper’s success and be financially prosperous. An effective editor must understand the psyche of the readers to represent them accurately. They should not be driven solely by the desire to earn money. Instead, they should exhibit patience and consistency in their work. Hali strongly asserts that those lacking these abilities should not take on the role of an editor.”

A mediocre workman habitually blames his tools; similarly, a subpar editor points fingers at reporters for lackluster stories, evading responsibility for the oversight. This failure to grasp the multifaceted role of an editor – not just as a poet but also as a tailor, designer, and craftsman of the newspaper – is the fundamental flaw.

An editor who possesses such exemplary craftsmanship can do justice to his work and produce an outstanding product. Without such skill, the editor becomes akin to a mere showstopper in a B-grade Bollywood movie, destined to dissipate like a fleeting bubble in the air.

(The author is a freelance writer)

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