Srinagar, (PTK): Chairman J&K SSA Teachers Association Shah Fayaz hailed the pragmatic activism of Abdul Qayoom Wani(President TJAC/Chairman EJAC) & termed him as single interpreter of imaginary dreams which were evident perpetually in terms of issues confronting the employees of different departments of the state in general & the acute issue of SSA teachers in particular but instant resolution & disposal of the chronic issues remained his habitual practice since he settled the throne of President TJAC/Chairman EJAC.
One of the outspoken illustrations of such pragmatic approach is the corroborative role practiced by the same globally prominent Chairman in disposing off the acute concern of SSA teachers which brought relief & pleasure to 41000 households of the state & get them out from commotion, ambiguity & mental trauma.
Shah Fayaz further reiterated that entire platform of TJAC & its spectacular membership has sleeplessly contributed to get the chronic issue of SSA teachers resolved with ease without looking before & behind.
Shah Fayaz suggested SSA teachers particularly under-graduate teachers & Regularised ReT’s to be patient as immaculate Chairman Abdul Qayoom Wani is committed to secure the legitimate rights & bring sigh of relief to every SSA teacher of the state.
Today’s meet of Abdul Qayoom Wani with Honorable Advisor Khursheed Ahmad Ganie apparently indicates that TJAC platform in collaboration with SSA Teachers Association is on toes to settle the issues & concerns pertaining to under-graduate teachers & Regularised ReT’s in shortest span of time alongwith necessary rectifications in the previously published SRO & speedy disbursement of payable salaries of past four months.
The top-brass associates representatives of J&K SSA Teachers Association who praised the pragmatic activism of President TJAC/Chairman EJAC are Hatim Qayoom (General Secretary), Shah Ashaq (press Secretary),Yousuf Munawar(Social media Advisor to Chairman) & all portfolio holders of the Association alongwith District & zonal Presidents of respective Districts & zones who are toiling hard enthusiastically at gross-root level to strengthen the roots of TJAC in every possible manner. (PTK)
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