SRINAGAR, (PTK): According to the statistic by PEW Research, Afghanistan has been ranked as the world’s most religious country. In Afghanistan 99 percent of the citizen are religious.
Almost 80 percent of the population follow Sunni Islam and the rest are Shias. Pakistan stands at sixth spot. Some 67 percent population pray daily in Pakistan as the state’s religion is Islam.
Muslims make 96 percent of the country’s population. Nigeria ranked in the second position with 95 percent people praying daily.
Their 50 percent of population is Muslim, 40 percent are Christians while 10 percent adhere to local religions. Iran came at 3.
Web Desk: According to the statistic by PEW Research, Afghanistan has been ranked as the World’s most religious country.
Here is the list of top 10 religious countries.
In Afghanistan 99% of the citizen are religious. Almost 80% of the population follow Sunni Islam and the rest are Shias.
Nigeria ranked in the second position with 95% people praying daily. There 50% of Nigeria population is Muslim, 40% are Christian while 10% adhere to local religions.
Almost 87% people in the Middle Eastern country pray daily an around 90-95% of Iranians associate themselves with the Shia branch of Islam and about 5-10% with the Sunni branches of Islam.
India listed fifth in the most religious country’s list. 75% of the population offers prayers on daily basis. In India, 80% Hindu and 14% Muslim, while the rest made up of Christian, Sikhs and other minorities.
Pakistan stands at sixth spot. Some 67% population pray daily in Pakistan, the state religion is Islam. Muslims make 96% of the country’s population.
Brazil grabbed the seventh position in the list with 61% people praying daily.
Turkey ranked eighth in the list with 60% of total population praying on daily basis.
USA listed ninth in the list of world’s most religious country. Some 83% of Amerricans identify themselves as Christians, 14% practice no religion while 4% are non-Christian religions combined Jews, Muslims, Buddhists and others.
This East Asian country has been ranked 10th in the list with the 33 percent population praying daily.
The least religious countries, on the other hand, include Israel (27%), Canada (25%), Italy (21%), Russia (18%), France (10%), Germany (9%), and UK (6%), but China surpasses them all, with only 1 per cent people offering prayers daily.
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