JKBOSE 10th, 12th Summer Zone Results 2018 Declared

Jammu Kashmir Board of Secondary Education has declared the results of Class 10 and Class 12 examinations of Jammu region on August 19. Students who have appeared on the bi-annual exam can check the result at the official website of the board — jkbose.jk.gov.in. Last month, JKBOSE had announced Kargil and Leh region results of both secondary and senior secondary classes.

Students can view their marks by following the steps written below. Remember to keep the roll number issued by the Board handy to download the result.

JKBOSE results 2018, here’s how to download

Step 1:  Visit the official website of the board  http://jkbose.jk.gov.in/ Step 2: Click on the results sections on the homepage Step 3: Click on ‘all results’ link Step 4: You’ll be directed to a new page Step 5: Enter your roll number or name and click on search for your results. Step 6: Download a copy of the results and take a print out of the same for further reference.

There are over 4,225 affiliated schools affiliated to the Board. It is also the main board of school education of Jammu and Kashmir which conducts exam for Jammu, Kashmir, Leh and Kargil divisions

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