Dowry: a corroding system of the society

Dowry is an act of discrimination of unmarried girls, whose marital life and values are defined by the prices of their respective dowries. Along with the other social tribulations, it is one of the most significant and prevailing problems of Pakistan. With majority of the population living below the poverty line and the destitute of basic living requirements, it adds to their misery.

Dowry has been existent in our society for centuries. Not only is it practiced by the illiterate people, but the educated people of Pakistan are also involved in the act. In fact, the concept of dowry which has been adopted from our neighbouring country, India; has trickled from the upper-middle class to the lower class of Pakistan. The dowry system has exploited the women’s rights and due to it many women whose parents are not financially stable enough to get dowry, remain unmarried and have to face the social pressure.

It is found that 95% of marriages in every region of Pakistan involve the transfer of dowry from the bride’s family to the groom’s. In Pakistan there are 2000 dowry-related deaths per year, and annual rates increasing 2.45 per 100,000 women from dowry related violence

People come up with various reasoning as to why it is necessary to give dowry. Some suggest that it is a gift that can help the married couple in their practical life. We all have been told that it is the duty of the man to look after the financial matters and earn the bread and butter for the family, isn’t it? Some say that it helps in establishing the importance of the woman in her in-laws and enhances her power to make decisions. What is the assurance that in-laws would be generous enough to be sharing their power? Some argue that it acts as a safe guard from any marital problems. Can dowry really save you from the problems or does it create problems itself? The most common reasoning is that the fear of being shunned by the society gets them to practice it. Will the society help you in preparing the dowry or help your daughters in times of crisis?

What none of them realise is that instead of finishing the problem they are increasing it by giving into the desires of the greedy people. This system has imbalanced the women’s right and has made them socially, physically and mentally weak. In order to fulfill the demands of dowry, parents have to risk their self-esteem by begging others for help and bear the weight of debts on their shoulders. Women have to face serious harm in face of domestic violence, acid abuse, mental torture and divorces.

It is found that 95% of marriages in every region of Pakistan involve the transfer of dowry from the bride’s family to the groom’s. In Pakistan there are 2000 dowry-related deaths per year, and annual rates increasing 2.45 per 100,000 women from dowry related violence. Some anti-dowry laws have proven to be dysfunctional, for example, the anti dowry laws of 1996, 1997 and 1998 along with Family Court Act in 1964. Pakistan’s Dowry and Marriage Gifts (Restriction) Bill, 2008, restricts dowry to PKR 30,000, while the total value of bridal gifts is limited to PKR 50,000.

Jahaiz Aik Lanat,” a very common phrase that is heard in our daily lives, yet no one implements it practically. If this system is brutal and evil enough to be called a “curse,” then why the people of Pakistan are still promoting the act that motivates domestic violence, mental torture and financial crises? Your daughters are way more precious to be given to someone who would only accept her for the assets she would bring with marriage. It is time to raise your voice against it and eradicate it from the society so that no other family suffers at the hands of this evil social.


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