Lok Adalat on July 14 in Ganderbal

GANDERBAL, JUNE (PTK). – According to Chairman District Legal Services Authority Ganderbal, a National Lok Adalat is being held in the district on July 14, 2018.

Interested litigants having any civil or criminal cases pending in District Court, CJM Court, Munsiff Court Ganderbal/Kangan, interested to get their cases settled through the National Lok Adalat have been asked to approach court authorities before the 09th of July, 2018 so that the cases may be taken up in the said National Lok Adalat.

The National Lok Adalats are empowered with various provisions for the settlement of disputes and provides free and competent legal services to weaker sections of the society to ensure that they get equal opportunity to secure justice((PTK).

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